Greeting ! |
You have arrived at the CENTER for the True Lovers. |
Here we have the free flow of the BEST INTENTION of True Loving that will fulfill the |
"Congrunent Need-to-be-Loved" of one another in the atmosphere of trust and optimism |
for the advancement of the limitations of the Ability-to-Love. |
If you are not sure about who are the True Lovers, you may take a glimps at our About Us |
pages of this website re: What is True Love? |
You may join our TT club or its full name Tepabutra & Taptida Club (Tepabutra &Teptida are |
Sanskrit words standing for Male Angel and Female Angel respectively) so that you can |
SOCIALIZE with your fellow True Lovers, who have acquired the caracteristics of HONESTY |
Also you can ADVERTISE your business and offer special discounts to your fellow |
True Lovers customers, who have confidence in your Honesty and Integrity, World-Wide.
Be patient and explore deeper into our website....every step will lead you to the fulfillment of |
your congrument Need-to-be-Loved and to love to the maximum of your Ability-to-love.
Our common goal is to share the prosperity, healthy living and security along with peace |
and happiness. |